For centuries, the planet Hillys has been bombarded by a relentless alien race. In Beyond Good and Evil, a rebellious action reporter named Jade sets out to capture the truth behind the invasion. Armed with her camera, dai-jo staff, and fierce determination, you must guide Jade as she discovers shocking evidence leading to a horrific government conspiracy and is forced to battle an evil she cannot possibly fathom. With the ability to perform stealth techniques, dai-jo staff moves, and tag-team fighting combos, you can stop at nothing to expose the truth.
Get past the Alpha Sections area barriers
Surely you know that if you try to leave the main area, there are robots that come from the ground and shoot a laser at you to bounce you back. There's a way to get past them,and here's how:
1. Go to the area where the Manta Magnificens(the red manta ray) is flying around. Position yourself so that the mainland is to the right of you.
2. You should get a warning from a nearby area guard. Fly to the land without getting too close, and follow it until you reach another area guard in the water. You should have two of them visible now.
3. Go to the edge of the land and try to fly inbetween the range of where the area guards shoot at you, and fly into the water. They should knock you into the land; you will probably take damage from ramming into it. Eventually if you do this long enough you will be knocked through it, and you'll be under everything.
4. Turn left. You should see a small triangle-shaped arch. Fly through that and turn left once more. If you look up you can see an area guard attempt to shoot at you, but it only hits the ground above you and can't reach you.
5. Now, go as far as you can into the water, and boost through the corner of the green section on the right. If you go fast enough you can evade the guard you just went past. You may get hit two or three times but it won't be enough to put you in range again.
6. Look at your surroundings. Make sure there are no guards close to you, and fly in the opposite direction.
7. Success! You are now out in the open. Feel free to explore, but all you'll find is water. If you boost all the way for about 10 minutes, you'll eventually reach a barrier where the screen will fade out and unfortunately you will be facing the opposite direction.
Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
Beyond good and evil

Contributed By: HSChao.
Hello, maaf ya kaka kaka cece cece
pada tanggal 6-9 oktober
saya tidak dapat menyebarkan cheat cheat
game karena internet di rumah saya dibetulkan
atas perhatiannya terima kasih
pada tanggal 6-9 oktober
saya tidak dapat menyebarkan cheat cheat
game karena internet di rumah saya dibetulkan
atas perhatiannya terima kasih
first wanted faq's

Terrible creatures lurk in the dark, preying on those who wander into the hidden hour between one day and the next. As a member of a secret school club, you must wield your inner power--Persona--and protect humanity from impending doom. Will you live to see the light of day?
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